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October 23, 2019

Benefits of Pineapple Juice and side effects of pineapple juice

Benefits of Pineapple Juice

health benefits of pineapple juice
Benefits of Pineapple juice

As already published about Pineapple, in this article I tell about the Pineapple Juice. Pineapple juice is the reach source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Due to the presence of many beneficial nutrients and great properties of anti-inflammation and antioxidants, pineapple juice is very good drinks for health. Pineapple juice has many benefits for health. Pineapple juice provides nutrients to the body and protects the body from different ailments.
Benefits of Pineapple juice are great for the health of the body. Pineapple juice is very beneficial for skin, hearts, hair, bone, eye, brain and digestive system. Pineapple juice is a great source of vitamin C and carotene. It also contains some beneficial minerals for the body.
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 Benefits of Pineapple juice

Here are some Benefits of pineapple juice-

1. Benefits of Pineapple juice on Immunity

Pineapple juice has many beneficial properties like anti-inflammatory and antioxidants. It has a great amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C is beneficial to boost immunity. Thus the use of pineapple juice boost the immunity of the body and protects the body from different ailments. Anti-inflammatory properties protect the body from inflammation.
Antioxidants properties of pineapple juice slow down the ageing process of the body.
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2. Benefits of Pineapple Juice on Skin

Pineapple juice is very beneficial for the skin. Pineapple juice has antioxidants properties, which slow down the ageing process of the body. Thus pineapple juice removes wrinkle and age marks from the face and makes the skin of face glowing and healthy. Presence of Vitamin C and many beneficial minerals in pineapple juice is beneficial to make skin healthy.
Pineapple juice is also very beneficial in many skin diseases like fungal infection, itching and rashes. Its use is also beneficial in acne and pimples of a face. Pineapple juice is also very beneficial in blackheads and whiteheads of the face.
Pineapple juice is also very beneficial in removing the black spot from the face.
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3. Benefits of Pineapple juice On Eye

Pineapple juice is very beneficial for the eye. Pineapple juice has beneficial carotene which is very beneficial for the health of the eye. Its use boosts the health of the eye. Anti-inflammatory properties protect the eye from different diseases.

Watch this video for Benefits of pineapple juice in Hindi.

4. Benefits of Pineapple juice on Digestion

Pineapple juice is very beneficial for digestion. Pineapple juice helps in the digestion of food. Its use is very beneficial in the digestion of non-veg foods. Pineapple juice has digestive enzymes which help in digestion of food. Its use is very beneficial in constipation. In constipation I advice takes the fruit of pineapple instead of pineapple juice because pineapple fruit contains dietary fibre which is very beneficial in constipation.
Anti-inflammatory properties of pineapple juice protect the digestive organs from inflammation.

5. Benefits of Pineapple juice on Weight loss

Benefits of pineapple juice on weight loss


Pineapple juice is very beneficial for the person who has extra fats and overweight. Research shows that the use of pineapple juice decreases the accumulation process of fat on the body. Taking of pineapple juice and following of strict diet chart and doing of regular exercise is very beneficial for weight loss. Bromeline present in it is very beneficial for removing extra fat from the body. Another side protects the body from many health ailments and boosts the immunity power of the body.
Pineapple juice has very low-calorie value thus it is a very good drink for the extra weighted person.

6. Benefits of Pineapple Juice on Heart

Pineapple juice is very beneficial for the heart. Pineapple juice has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which protect the heart from different ailments. Its use boosts the heart. Pineapple juice increases the Hemoglobin in blood and maintains the blood pressure.

7. Benefits of Pineapple juice on Hair

Pineapple juice is very beneficial for hair. Pineapple juice controls the hair fall and helps in regeneration of new hair follicle. Pineapple juice is very beneficial in hair fall and baldness. It is also beneficial in fungal infection and dandruff of scalp. Pineapple juice has many beneficial vitamin and mineral which helps in regeneration of new hair. Pineapple juice is also very beneficial in premature greying of hair.

8. Benefits of Pineapple Juice on cough

Pineapple juice is very beneficial in common cold and coughs. Pineapple juice boosts the immunity power of the body, thus protects the body from many seasonal infections of common cold and flu. In a cough and cold its use is very beneficial.

9. Benefits of Pineapple Juice on Memory

Pineapple juice is very beneficial for memory. Pineapple juice has antioxidants properties, which helps to slow down the ageing process. Pineapple juice boosts the memory power of the brain. Pineapple juice is very beneficial in memory loss such as Alzheimer’s disease.

10. Benefits of Pineapple Juice on Menstrual pain

Pineapple juice is very beneficial in decreasing menstrual pain. It is very beneficial for ladies. Use of Pineapple juice is very beneficial in the menstrual problem like dysmenorrheal pain.

Side effects of Pineapple juice

Normally Pineapple juice has no side effects. But in a certain condition, it has some side effects. If a person has an allergy to pineapple fruit or bromelin enzyme use it gives some symptoms like indigestion, nausea and vomiting. In certain condition, diarrhoea is also reported.
Pineapple juice also has some side effects when taken with certain medication. So please take advice from your physician before taking pineapple juice.
Here are some side effects of pineapple juice
1.    Indigestion
2.    Nausea
3.    Vomiting
4.    Diarrhoea
5.    Skin Rashes
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October 23, 2019

Top 5 Best way to Make Money Online

Make money online यह आज के हमारे इस पोस्ट का टॉपिक है. आज मैं आप लोगों को कुछ ऐसे method बताऊंगा जिसके माध्यम से आप ऑनलाइन एअर्निंग कर सकतें हैं.

Best way to make Money online

how to make money online,online earning tips,make money,


Internet के प्रसार के बाद आज कल अधिकतर व्यक्ति ऑनलाइन earning करना चाहता है.भारत में jio के आने के बाद internet packs काफी सस्ते हो चुकें हैं.आजकल अधिकतर व्यक्ति के पास smartphone है और सस्ते internet packs के कारण वो अपने smartphone के माध्यम से भी ऑनलाइन करना चाहता है. Online earning के क्षेत्र में अधिकतर युवा वर्ग ही काफी एक्टिव है.इसमें महिलायें भी काफी आगे आयीं हैं.बहुत से व्यक्ति online कार्य करके अच्छी खासी इनकम generate कर रहें हैं.

मैं भी ऑनलाइन वर्क करके कुछ earning कर लेता हूँ.आज इस आर्टिकल में मैं आप लोगों को online earning के 5 best method बताऊंगा जिसके माध्यम से आप लोग भी अच्छी खासी earning कर सकेंगे.वैसे तो online earning के कई method हैं पर आज मैं आप लोगों को सिर्फ top 5 best way to make money online ही बताऊंगा.बाकी के अन्य earning के तरीके मैं आप लोगों को दुसरे आर्टिकल में बताऊंगा.आप इस सम्बन्ध में अधिक जानकारी के लिए मेरे youtube चैनल को सब्स्क्रिबे कर सकतें हैं.YouTube पर इस टॉपिक पर आपको विडियो मेरे चैनल पर मिल जाएगा.आप निचे दिए गए विडियो को देखकर भी मेरे youtube channel पर जा सकतें हैं.वहां जाकर आप मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर लें.

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आप इस websites को बुक मार्क कर लें और विजिट करें यहाँ आप लोगों को सभी तरह की जानकारी एक ही जगह  पर मिल जायेगी.अगर आपको किसी विषय पर जानकारी चाहिए तो आप निचे comment बॉक्स में लिखें.

 Best way to make money online

जैसा की मैं पहले बता चूका हूँ की online earning के कई method हैं पर इस आर्टिकल में मैं सिर्फ 5 बेस्ट method के बारे में ही बताऊंगा.ये method genuine है और आप आसानी से इसे समझ सकतें हैं और अपने smartphone के माध्यम से भी इसमें work करके earning कर सकतें हैं.अगर आपके पास desktop या laptop है तो और भी अच्छी बात पर अगर नहीं भी है तो चिंता नहीं करें.आप अपने smartphone से भी online work कर सकते हैं.

1.Best way to make money from blogger websites 

best way to make money from blog websites

online earning करना चाहते हैं तो आप अपना ब्लॉग websites बना सकतें हैं.ब्लॉग websites बना के लिए आपको कुछ basic knowledge चाहिए. इस सम्बन्ध में मैं आने वाले समय में अपने websites और YouTube चैनल पर complete tutorial दूंगा जिसके माध्यम से आप अपना ब्लॉग या websites बना सकतें हैं.आपको जिस भी विषय में अच्छी खासी knowledge है और interest है आप उस विषय पर अपना ब्लॉग या websites बना सकतें हैं.ब्लॉग या websites से एअर्निंग के लिए आपको कुछ धीरज रखना पड़ता है.क्योंकि इससे से earning होने के लिए आपकों कुछ समय तक मेहनत करनी पड़ती है.
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मेरे द्वारा दिए गए tutorial से आप आसानी से अपना ब्लॉग या websites बना सकतें हैं.अगर आपका ब्लॉग या websites सफल हो जाता है तो आप इसके माध्यम से आसानी से अच्छी खासी इनकम generate कर सकतें है.बहुत सारे blogger हैं जो आसानी से अपने ब्लॉग के माध्यम से लाखों रुपया कमा रहें हैं.

2. Best way to make Money online from Earning apps

best way to make money online from earning apps


अगर आप बिना ज्यादा मेहनत के और आसानी से online earning करना चाहते हैं तो आप के लिए earning apps सबसे बेस्ट method है.इस method से earningकरने के लिए आपको किसी विशेस जानकारी या skill की जरुरत नहीं पड़ती है.सिर्फ आपके पास एक smartphone और net data होना चाहिए.
बहुत सारे earning apps हैं जो आपको google play store और app store में मिल जायेंगे जिसके माध्यम से आप आसानी से और बिना किसी skill के अच्छी खासी इनकम कर सकतें हैं.
सिर्फ आपको कुछ सावधानी रखनी है क्योंकि कुछ fake app भी होतें है जो आपके work के बाद आपको payment नहीं करतें हैं.मेरे इस websites और YouTube channel पर आपको इस सम्बन्ध में complete इनफार्मेशन मिल जायेगी.मैं अपने इस websites और YouTube चैनल पर इस सम्बन्ध में पूरी जानकारी दूंगा की आप कौन से app से पैसे कमा सकते हैं.
कुछ websites भी होतें हैं जहाँ आप सिंपल टास्क complete करके पैसे कम सकतें हैं.इस सम्बन्ध में भी आपको जानकारी मैं आगे आने वाले article में दूंगा.
पर एक बात बता दूँ की earning apps और earning websites के माध्यम से आप कुछ ही इनकम जमा कर सकतें हैं जो आपकी पॉकेट money के बराबर होगी जैसे की 5000रूपये तक.

3. Best way to Make Money online from You Tube

best way to make money online from youtube


अगर आप धीरज के साथ और smart तरीके के साथ काम करके महीने के हजारों -लाखों कमाना चाहतें हैं तो YouTube आपके लिए बेस्ट method है.इस method में आप अपने smartphone के माध्यम से भी आसानी से काम कर सकतें हैं.बहुत से लोग हैं जो YouTube पर काम करके महीने के लाखों रूपये कम रहें हैं.
YouTube पर काम करने के लिए आपको जिस भी topics में interest हो आपको उस topics पर अच्छी विडियो बना कर YouTube पर अपलोड करनी होगी.Video upload करने से पहले आपको YouTube पर अपना एक channel बनाना होगा.इस सम्बन्ध में मैं complete information आपको आने वाले आर्टिकल में दूंगा.
आप अपने smartphone से भी विडियो shoot करके YouTube के अपने चैनल पर upload कर सकतें हैं.YouTube  से आप किस तरह से earningम कर सकतें हैं यह मैं आपको आने वाले aarticle में बताऊंगा फिलहाल मैं यहाँ बता दूँ की YouTube से earning के लिए Google Adsense ही सबसे Best Method है.पर google adsense से earning करने के लिए आपके YouTube channel पर 1000 subscriber और 4000 घंटे का watchtime होना चाहिए.जिसे complete करने के बाद आप अपने channel को google adsense को अपने channel को monetize करने के लिए भेज सकतें हैं.अगर आपके चैनल को google adsense से approval मिल जाता है तो आप अपने विडियो के माध्यम से अच्छी खासी रकम कमा सकतें हैं.
इस सम्बन्ध में मैं आगे आने वाले आर्टिकल और विडियो के माध्यम से आप सब लोगों को जानकारी दूंगा.

4. Best way to make Money online from Affiliate marketing

best way to make money online from affiliate marketing


आप affiliate marketing के जरिये भी online earning कर सकतें हैं.आप amazon affiliate प्रोग्राम में रजिस्ट्रेशन करके amazon के सामानों को सेल करके earning कर सकते हैं.इसी तरह आप paytm mall की भी affiliate marketing कर सकतें हैं.इस सम्बन्ध में मैं आप लोगों को सारी जानकारी आने वाले आर्टिकल और विडियो के माध्यम से दूंगा.

5. Best way to make money online from selling Ebook on instamojo 

best way to make money online from ebook


अगर आप किसी विषय में अच्छी खासी जानकारी रखतें है तो आप अपने Ebook बना कर इन्स्तामोजो पर सेल कर सकतें हैं.इस विषय में भी मैं आप सब लोगों को बाद में जानकारी दूंगा.
आपको कौन से विषय पर सबसे पहले जानकारी चाहिए आपलोग comment बॉक्स में लिखे और मुझे बताएं मैं आपलोगों के सहायता के लिए उसी विषय पर सबसे पहले आर्टिकल  और विडियो बना कर प्रकाशित करूँगा.
मेरे websites पर आने के लिए आप सब लोगों का धन्यवाद.आप सब लोगों से निवेदन है की मेरे इस websites को bookmark कर लें.

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October 23, 2019

turmeric for skin whitening.

turmeric for skin whitening. 

turmeric for glowing skin,turmeric face mask

Turmeric for Glowing Skin

In this magnificence cognizant world we live in, numerous individuals, young ladies particularly, endeavour to do all that they can to enhance their looks. A great deal needs more white skin, and numerous individuals incline toward utilizing characteristic available resources in accomplishing that. Fortunately, utilizing turmeric for skin brightening is an exceptionally compelling strategy.

We all are brought into the world with various skin tones. That's true. This is a result of the melanin nearness in the epidermis, or best layer, of the skin. On the off chance that there's more melanin in the skin, the darker the skin tone will be.

In any case, regardless of whether you are normally light-cleaned, outside elements can trigger expansion in melanin generation. A portion of these variables incorporates excessively sun presentation, contamination, an unfortunate eating routine, stretch, boisterous ways of life, and numerous others. 
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To counter the obscuring of the skin, there are numerous organizations out there that offer numerous items that ensure more white skin in weeks. Sadly, the vast majority of these items utilize hurtful synthetic compounds that accomplish more damage than anything else. For instance, over the long haul, these synthetic substances may prompt malignant growth and other weakening infections. That is the reason utilizing common items, similar to turmeric for skin brightening, is more secure and can fill in as successfully.
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How Turmeric is best for Skin Whitening?

 Turmeric is very beneficial for skin whitening. Turmeric has curcumin, a beneficial substance, which is very beneficial for skin. Here are some benefits of turmeric on skin whitening...

1.Controls Melanin

Melanin is responsive for the colour of skin. Curcumin Present in turmeric removes hyperpigmentation from the skin. Use of turmeric controls the melanin. Its use makes skin fairer and healthy.


Turmeric has many beneficial properties for the skin. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties. Anti-inflammatory properties protect and fight against skin inflammation. Antioxidants properties reduce the ageing process of skin, thus controls the wrinkles in the skin. Its use makes skin brighter and healthy.

3.Protects from UV lights

Turmeric has curcumin. Its use protects skin from sunburn and sun UV rays. Its use removes the dark spot from the skin and makes skin white and attractive.

4.Best for oily skin

Turmeric is very beneficial for oily skin. Its use removes extra oil from skin and fights against pimples and acne. Its use to clean the skin. Its use remove pimples and acne and its marks. Its use remove blackhead and whitehead from the skin.


Turmeric is a very good moisturizer for skin. Its use prevents skin from dryness. Its use makes skin glowing and beautiful.

6.Best for many Skin Diseases

Turmeric is very beneficial in many skin diseases. Its use relieves itching and infections from the skin. It is very beneficial for skin eruption. It is also very beneficial for the hair and scalp. Its use is very beneficial in fungal infection and dandruff and itching of the scalp.

how to apply turmeric on face daily?

Turmeric can be used on face according to skin type and sensitivity. Normally use turmeric on face weekly or fortnight. For skin infection, turmeric can be used daily on the skin. Turmeric can be applied on the face as a face pack or face mask.
turmeric for glowing skin

Turmeric face pack for Fairness

Here is some method to apply turmeric on the face...

1.Turmeric and Milk

Turmeric can be used with milk as a face pack. Use of turmeric with milk cream is very beneficial for dry skin. Its use moisturize the skin of the face.


1.Turmeric Powder - 1 teaspoon

2. Milk - 30 ml.


Mixed 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder on milk and make it a paste. Use this paste as a face pack. Wait for around 15-30 minute. Then wash the face gently.

Use of this face pack is very beneficial in dry skin. Use this process weekly or fortnight.

2.Honey, Lemon, Turmeric Face Mask

Honey.lemon and turmeric face mask is very beneficial for the skin of the face. Its use makes skin glowing and whitening. Its use reduces dark spot from the face. Its use makes skin more white and bright. It is very beneficial to make skin glowing.

Use of this face pack is very beneficial for blackheads and whiteheads. Its use is also very beneficial in acne and pimple.


1.Lemon juice 2 teaspoon

2.Honey 2 teaspoon

3.Turmeric powder  1 teaspoon

Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl to make it a paste. Use this paste as a face pack. Wait for 15-20 minutes. Then wash the face gently. Use of this face pack is very beneficial to make face brighter and glowing.
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Side effects of applying Turmeric on Face

Normally there are no side effects of applying turmeric on the face. Use turmeric on face according to skin type and sensitivity. If any person has a history of allergy from curcumin, then avoid its use. According to me make the allergic taste of turmeric before applying on face. Use turmeric face pack as a taste on the behind of ear in small portion and check sensitivity before applying on face.

Some person has reported to an allergy to curcumin. Take advice from your physician or beautician before applying these face pack.

December 18, 2018

Turmeric tea for Weight Loss:Use Turmeric tea for flat tummy

Turmeric Tea for Weight loss

turmeric tea recipe for weight loss

Turmeric is very beneficial for health. It has curcumin substance. Curcumin is very beneficial for good health. Turmeric has many beneficial properties which are very helpful to the body to protects from the body from different ailments. Tumeric also provides nutrition to the body.

Turmeric is very beneficial for losing weight. Specially turmeric tea is very beneficial for weight loss.

Turmeric for belly fat

Turmeric is very beneficial for reducing belly fat. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidants properties which is very beneficial for protecting the various ailments associated with extra belly fat. Its use decreases the accumulation of fat on the body. Use turmeric in different forms to get benefits on belly fat. Turmeric decreases extra fat from belly and makes belly flat.
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Turmeric tea for weight loss recipe

Weight loss recipe for turmeric tea is very simple and easy. You can easily make turmeric tea in home easily for weight loss.

Here are the ingredients for weight loss recipe of turmeric tea-

1.Turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon

2. Water -200 ml.

3. Honey - 2teaspoon.
Recipe of turmeric tea for weight loss

Boil water in a saucepan. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric in it. Boil for about 5 minutes. Then turn off the burner. Wait few minutes to solution lose his extra hit become pleasant warm. Then filter it. Then add 2 teaspoons of honey in it. Your turmeric tea is ready to drink.

Use this turmeric daily morning for some days to get full benefits of turmeric tea for weight loss.
Turmeric weight loss before and after

Turmeric is very beneficial for weight loss in an extra weighted person. Its use decreases the accumulation of fat on the body. Research shows that using turmeric tea with honey in the morning is very beneficial for losing weight. Its use is very beneficial for lots of extra fat from the body. Use turmeric tea and do exercise and follow diet charts for weight loss to get full benefits of turmeric tea benefits on weight loss.

A person who does regular exercise, yoga and follows strict diet charts for weight loss has successfully controlled his weight gain and lose his extra fat and weight.

Milk and turmeric to loss weight

Use of turmeric with milk is also very beneficial to lose weight. Turmeric has a very beneficial substance called curcumin. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Curcumin has also a very beneficial property named antioxidants. Use of turmeric is very beneficial to protect the body from inflammation and different diseases associated with extra weight and fat.

Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk and take it. Use of turmeric with milk and do exercise, yoga and follow strict diet charts with the advice of dietician to get full benefits of turmeric on weight loss.

Turmeric and lemon water for belly fat

Turmeric and lemon water is very beneficial for reducing the extra fat accumulation on the body. Use of turmeric and lemon water may decrease the extra deposited fat on belly.

Boil 200 ml of water in a saucepan and add a teaspoon of turmeric powder in it. Boil the solution for 5 minutes. Then turn off the burner and filter the solution and wait for till solution become pleasantly warm. Then add a teaspoon of lemon juice in it. Use of this solution is very effective for belly fat. Its use decreases extra fat from belly and makes belly flat and attractive.

Note: Take advice from your doctor or physician before using these methods for weight loss and belly fat.

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December 12, 2018

Chyawanprash: Introduction, Benefits, Side Effects and Best Chyawanprash

Chyawanprash: Introduction, Benefits, Side Effects and Best Chyawanprash

chyawanprash,dabur chyawanprash



Chyawanprash is used as a medicine and nutritious material for ancients time. It is the very important medicine of Ayurveda.Word chywanprash is made from two words. Chywan: this is the name of an ancient ayurvedacharya rishi and prash means a specially prepared food.
In winter chyawanprash use is very beneficial and its sell increased in winter. Chyawanprash is very beneficial for the body. Chyawanprash boosts the immunity system of the body and protects the body from many diseases. Chyawanprash makes body healthy and strong. It protects the body from many seasonal ailments and infections.
The main components of Chyawanprash are Amla(Indian gooseberry). Amla is also known as Amalaki.Amla is a reach source of vitamin C.Amla has antioxidants properties. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties. All these properties are very beneficial of the body. Vitamin C present in it is very beneficial for the health of the body.
As already stated amla is the main components of chyawanprash which has anti-aging properties means amla lower the ageing process of the body. This means chywanprash which contains lots of benefits of amla and other beneficial herbs is best for an aged person. Use of chyawanprash is very beneficial for all age person. Its use protects the body and also gives nutrition to the body.

Recipe of chyawanprash

In Charaka Samhita method to prepare chywanprash is described. Charak Samhita is an ancient book based on herbal and ayurvedic medicine. This formula to make chyawanprash is changed according to time, research and availability of herbs. In modern time the method of preparation of chyawanprash is some difference from the original method described in ancient book Charak Samhita.
The main component of chyawanprash is amla also known as Amalaki or Indian gooseberry. Its scientific name is Phyllanthus emblica. There are lots of other herbs which are very beneficial for the body is mixed with it and prepare a jam-like mixture which has a very good and delicious taste and lots of benefits of health.

Benefits of Chyawanprash


Chyawanprash is very beneficial for the health of the body. It is a rich source of vitamin C and other nutritious substances.Chyawanprash contains lots of beneficial herbs. Beneficial herbs are presents in it, protects the body from many diseases and give nutrition to the body. Chyawanprash is beneficial for the age of 5years to an aged person. To give under the age of 5 years consult your physician.Here are some important benefits of chyawanprash...

1. Chyawanprash is best for Boost Immunity

Chywanprash boosts the immunity of the body. It's use increase the immunity power of the body. Its use protects the body from many ailments. It prevents the body from a common cough and cold. Its use is very beneficial for preventing many common diseases.

2. Chywanprash is best for Digestion

Chywanprash has a strong property of digestion. Its use helps the digestive process. Its use regulate the metabolism of the body. Use of chyawanprash increase appetite and treat anorexia.

3. Chyawanprash is best for the reproductive system

Chyawanprash is best for the reproductive system of the body in both genders. Its use nourishes the body and makes the body healthy and strong. Use of chyawanprash is very beneficial in infertility and sexual weakness.

4. Chyawanprash is best for joints

Chyawanprash is very beneficial for arthritis and other bone-related problem. Its contain many herbs which have anti-inflammatory properties, which relieves pain and swelling in arthritis. It gives strength and nutrition to bone and joints of the body, because chyawanprash has lots of nutritious minerals.

5. Chyawanprash is for anti-ageing

Chyawanprash has antioxidants properties which lower the ageing process. Chyawanprash is very beneficial for the aged person. Its use is very beneficial in the age-related problem. It gives strength to the body.

6. Chyawanprash is best for lungs

Chyawanprash is very beneficial for the lungs. Its use protects the lungs from many infection. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties which are very helpful to protect the lungs from infection. Its use is very beneficial for prevention from a cough and cold. It is very beneficial in a cough and cold.

7. Chyawanprash is best for diabetics person

Chyawanprash is very beneficial for diabetics person. Use sugarfree chyawanprash in diabetes. Its use protects the body from many diseases, which is very beneficial in diabetics person. Its use regulate the metabolic process of the body. Antioxidants properties are very beneficial for diabetics person. Anti-inflammatory properties protect the body from different inflammation.

8. Chyawanprash is best for brain

Chyawanprash is very beneficial for the brain. Its use improves memory power of the brain.

How to Use Chyawanprash

Chyawanprash is a delicious jam like medicine or nutritious food. Its use is very beneficial for the body. Its use eliminates toxin from the body and improves the immunity power of the body.
Chyawanprash can be taken alone or mixed with some milk, fruit juice or water. Its taste is very delicious. It can be taken with by spreading on a bread as as jam or take with warm milk.
The dose of chyawanprash is 1-2 teaspoon once or twice a day. Children may take half of the adult dose according to there age. Consult your physician before taking Chyawanprash for exact dose and full benefits of chyawanprash.
When to take chayawanprash? Chyawanprash can be taken in morning and evening after breakfast. Take the advice of your doctor.

Side effects of chyawanprash

There are no side effects of chyawanprash known. But it can be taken with the advice of the physician. For diabetes patients, it can be taken with precaution and sugar-free form. It lowers the blood sugar, so consult your physician before taking chyawanprash. If a person is allergic to amla or other Phyllanthus family herbs then he consults the physician before using chyawanprash. If any sign of allergy is present then consult your physician.
An overdose of chyawanprash may harm the body. Overdose may cause abdominal discomfort with the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Best Chyawanprash

There are many brands of chyawanprash available.But the main question is which is the best chyawanprash?
Here are some important brands of chyawanprash with there characteristics...

1.Dabur Chyawanprash

Dabur Chyawanprash is the best of all chyawanprash available. Dabur is reputed and genuine brand of chyawanprash, trusted by most of the user. It contains 49 beneficial herbs. It is made from herbs and beneficial mineral. Amla is present as the main ingredient in it. Dabur chyawanprash has antioxidants properties and boost immunity of body to protects from many diseases.
Dabur Chyawanprash is available in many flavours like mango, mixed fruit and chocolate. Dabur chyawanprash is also available in the sugar-free form for the diabetic person.
Dabur chyawanprash is available in different packs of 250gm,500gm,1kg and 2kg.

2.Baidyanath Chyawanprash

Baidyanath chyawanprash is another brand of chyawanprash which has good quality and benefits. It is made from ancients herbs which is very beneficial for health. Baidyanath chyawanprash has saffron and honey as additional ingredients which is very beneficial. Its taste and smell are very good.
Baidyanath Chyawanprash comes with three differents variants-Special Chyawanprash, Junior Chyawanprash and Kesri Kulp royal.

3.Zandu Chyawanprash

Zandu Chyawanprash comes with different variants like Sona Chandi chyawanprash, Zandu chyawanprash and keshri jiwan chyawanprash. Zandu chyawanprash is very useful to improve the immunity power of the body. Its use protects the body from different diseases.

4.Patanjali Chyawanprash

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Now a day Patanjali Chyawanprash is a famous name in the field of Ayurvedic medicine. Patanjali chyawanprash is made from pure herbs with the ancient method to prepare chyawanprash. Its use boosts immunity and protects the body from many diseases. Its use improves the quantity and quality of blood in the body.
Patanjali chyawanprash comes with a very affordable price with high quality to improve the immunity and detoxify the body.

5.Himalaya's Chyawanprash

Himalaya's Chyawanprash is also a popular brand for many years. Himalaya is known for its purity and effectiveness. It contains about 30 herbs and comes with the pack of 500gm and 1kg. Its taste is also very delicious.

Note: All the information given in this article is for knowledge purpose.Do more research and consult your doctor before applying these information.
December 08, 2018

Amla oil:for hair hair growth,for skin,for beard and best amla oil.

Amla Oil

amla hair oil,amla oil hair growth


Amla Oil is very common oil in India. Now Amla oil is also very common in western countries. Amla oil is made from Amla in English Indian Gooseberry. Amla fruit is a good source of vitamin C, minerals, polyphenols and antioxidants. Amla is well known for its great health benefit. But Amla is also very useful and beneficial for hair.
Amla oil is made from dried amla fruit. To make amla oil dried fruit of amla is shock into an oil mainly til oil or coconut oil for several months. In this process, all the nutrients present in amla is mixed with these oils. After some month mainly 3-4 months it can be filtered and processed. After then packed and ready to distribute for sale.There are several brands of Amla hair oil in India. Amla oil is easily available in the market at a suitable price.

Amla oil for hair growth

The main question about amla oil is- Is amla oil is beneficial for hair growth?
Answer: Yes. Amla oil is very beneficial for hair. In amla oil there are many ingredients which are very helpful for hair growth, some of them are vitamin c, beneficial fatty acid, polyphenols, mineral and antioxidants. These ingredients are very helpful for hair growth.
Massage gently in the scalp with suitable and best amla oil is very beneficial to control hair fall and prevent baldness and hair loss. Its use strengthens the hair follicle and make hair strong and healthy. Amla oil also promotes the new hair growth.
In addition, amla oil is also very beneficial for dandruff in scalp and hair. Its use relieves itching and scaling of the skin of the scalp.

Amla oil for beard

Amla oil is also very beneficial for the beard. Its use on beard makes beard healthy and shining. Its use on beard prevents beard from loss of hair and promote hair growth on beard. Its use is very beneficial for preventing skin diseases in the beard.

Amla oil before and after

As I already stated above that amla oil is very beneficial for hair growth and generation of new hair on the scalp. Its use control hair fall and hair loss. Amla oil is also very beneficial for controlling dandruff and itching infection of scalp and hair. According to study amla oil, it gives a very good result on the problem of hair and scalp related problem. Beneficial essential fatty acid and vitamin c present in amla oil is strengthen the root of the hair and make hair lustrous and healthy. Many minerals pre3sents in amla oil is very beneficial for regeneration of hair follicle on the scalp.
According to the study using of amla oil for hair fall and hair loss shows a good result after using for 3 months. Hair falls control in this period of using of amla oil regularly with the balanced diet and internal medication.

Amla oil for skin

Amla oil is very beneficial for the skin. Its use on skin makes skin healthy and glowing. Vitamin c and antioxidants present on amla oil give a great care for the skin. Its use work as a moisturiser for skin. Amla oil is very beneficial for some skin diseases.Its use relieves itching and redness of the skin. Many minerals present in amla oil which is very beneficial to make skin healthy.

Amla oil for hair thickness

As I already stated above that amla oil is the great source of vitamin c, essential fatty acid, polyphenols, minerals and antioxidants.All these ingredients are very beneficial for hair growth to make hair thick and healthy. Using of amla oil in hair regularly make hair thick and healthy. Its use promote hair growth. Amla oil also promoting the growth of new hair on the scalp.

Amla oil hair growth before and after

Amla oil is very good therapy of hair growth. To promote hair growth amla oil is a good source. According to the study, it is proved that amla oil promotes hair growth. essential beneficial fatty acid present in amla oil make hair root hair follicle strong and give healthy and strong hair. According to study, it shows that a regular use of amla hair oil on the scalp with proper diet and some medication by the advice of physicians give very good result in hair fall and hair loss and promote the hair growth and regeneration of hair follicle and new hair on the scalp.

Best Amla oil

In market and chemist shop there are several types of amla hair oil is present. Amla hair oil is available all around the world through many online shopping sites like Amazon and other online sites. A person if interested can buy through online from these sites. In below I will show some amla hair brand ...

1.Dabur Amla hair oil

Dabur Amla hair oil is very popular and well-known hair oil in the market from a long time. It is the best amla oil for hair. Its packing and price are good. Dabur Amla oil is very good for hair growth. Its use promote hair growth. Dabur Amla oil promotes the growth of new hair. Its use also very beneficial for relieving the problem of dandruff and itching of the scalp.
dabur amla hair oil

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2.Nihar Shanti amla oil

Nihar Shanti Amla hair oil is another brand of amla hair oil. Its price is very affordable. Its use promotes the growth of new hair on the scalp and prevents the hair fall and hair loss. Nihar Shanti Amla oil is a combination of coconut oil, almond oil with the benefit of amla oil.
nihar shanti amla hair oil

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3.Khadi pure amla herbal oil

Khadi is a well-known brand in India. The products of khadi are pure and natural. Khadi Amla oil is very best amla oil for its purity. Its use promote hair growth and make hair thick and healthy.
khadi herbal pure amla oil

To Buy Khadi Pure Amla herbal Oil
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4.Bajaj Brahmi Amla hair oil

Bajaj Brahmi Amla oil is an also great amla oil with the benefit of Brahmi present in this oil. Bajaj Brahmi Amla oil is very good for hair growth. Brahmi present in it makes head cool and calm.
bajaj brahmi amla hair oil

To Buy Bajaj Brahmi Amla Hair Oil from Amazon
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5. Patanjali keshkanti amla oil

Patanjali keshkanti amla oil is another best brands of amla hair oil. Now it is very popular in India in recent time. Its price and beneficially is very good. Its use makes hair strong and healthy.
patanjali keshkanti amla hair oil

To buy Patanjali Keshkanti Amla Oil
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6.Baidyanath amla hair oil

Baidyanath amla hair oil is a great brand for amla hair oil.Its use promote hair growth and make hair shiny and healthy.
baidyanath amla oil

To buy Baidyanath Amla  Hair Oil from Amazon
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